【国際総合科2年 海外研修旅行5】

Stanley Park, Hotel, & Dinner (#5)

Our final stop for the day was Stanley Park, a large forest park on a peninsula (半島) in the middle of the city! We stopped for some pictures in front of the totem poles and then explored and looked at some souvenirs with designs by the First Nations in Canada. From the park, you can see downtown Vancouver very clearly! From the other side, you can see the sunset on the water, through the opening of Burrard Inlet and Vancouver Harbor.

Did you know that Vancouver is more north than Hokkaido? That’s right! That’s why sunrise is at 8am and sunset is at 4pm these days.

After our bus tour, we finally made it to the hotel where we ate a wonderful dinner all together! With this, we can rest and recharge for another fun-packed day! Starting tomorrow, we’ll be staying with our host families. So exciting! Good night!