Finally some very tired students and teachers have arrived back at Miki High School, met by families and staff at the school entrance. Our class president gave a speech thanking teachers and parents for their support, and everyone was able to return home for some needed rest.
Some students were asked about what they thought of the trip. They said “it was fun, I could do and see things I can’t normally see in Japan!” or “it makes me want to try to go and study abroad, I want to visit Canada again!”.
Because of this the trip was a success and our GDAC students got the most from their short time in Canada.
Once more thank you for everyone’s support and co-operation for making this trip possible!
After saying goodbye to their homestay families, students gathered to leave Canada this morning. Class 2-1 said they’d had a wonderful time getting to know their host families. Many students say they want to return to Canada again in the future, and they were amazed by how many different nationalities live together here. Even if they are sad to leave Canada, they are excited to return and eat sushi!
Speaking of food, while students enjoyed a variety of different food from different countries during their stay, they were very happy to be served rice and miso soup for lunch on the JAL flight to Narita from Vancouver airport!
We are still only halfway into our long journey today, but soon we will return safely to Miki High School. See you there!
On our final full day in Canada, students enjoyed free time with their home stay families. Many students were able to go shopping in malls, or out to eat at local restaurants. Some students enjoyed time at home with their home stay family, playing games with the family’s children or even spending time with their pets. Others enjoyed excursions to local monuments. Students were also tasked with writing and sending a postcard to one of the Miki High School ALTs, today they went to the post office to buy a stamp and organize international postage!
It was also a free day for the teachers! We took advantage of Vancouver’s rich culture and nature, visiting Vancouver Art Gallery and the Capilano Suspension Bridge! Both students and teachers enjoyed a peaceful Saturday before our long journey back to Japan starting tomorrow!
In the afternoon, our students prepared for the Miki High School Culture Fair. They prepared English presentations and booths on topics such as 関西弁, 書道 and 三木盆踊り. Regent Academy students and teachers then visited and enjoyed learning about Japanese culture thanks to Miki High School students’ wonderful and exciting explanations in English! We could hear many Canadian students shouting “なんでやねん!” After the festival, Regent Academy staff gave a closing speech and prayer wishing for us to have a safe return to Japan. Class 2-1’s Shouta also gave a speech thanking Regent Academy for their support and hospitality. Tomorrow students will have the opportunity to experience a day in the life of a typical Canadian family. They will enjoy different activities and experiences with their home stay families.
This morning we met students at Regent Christian Academy for an orientation on the school’s culture and the day’s schedule. Students then split into two groups and enjoyed some ice-breaker activities in English. Students learned about Canadian culture and geography, then they presented on the differences between Canada and Japan in English. After a lunch box prepared by their host families, they had the chance to observe high school lessons at Regent Academy. Many students could make friends in their classes and were happy to use their English in a native classroom.
Students explored Downtown Vancouver this afternoon, with amazing views of the sea at the Waterfront, and some shopping in the famous Gastown. Students spent their time exploring and buying souvenirs for family and friends. We then returned to the bus and travelled to Regent Christian Academy. We were introduced to the staff at the school before host families arrived.
Our students were matched with their families, and left to begin their all-English home stay. Tomorrow will be another busy day, this time with classes and a cultural exchange festival with Regent Academy students!
After a good nights sleep and a big breakfast (sorry no rice!), we visited the University of British Columbia, one of the best universities in Canada, with around 60,000 students – almost the population of Miki City! We made three groups and had a tour of a part of the university, we were able to see research centres, archaeology exhibits, libraries and learning centres. Students were amazed at the size of the campus. One 2-1 student said – “This isn’t a university, it’s a city! It has four Starbucks!” We then ate at the university cafeteria, where students could try food from different countries from around the world, including Mexico, France and Korea. Students were able to try fruits and vegetables they’d never seen before! We will soon depart for Downtown Vancouver, our last sightseeing destination before students meet their home stay families.
It’s the end of the day! After a long day of travelling, sightseeing and trying local foods, everyone is ready to sleep. After Granville Island we went to the famous Stanley Park, well known for its nature and traditional totem poles. After arriving to the hotel, we enjoyed a course dinner at a local Chinese restaurant all together. We left happy with our stomachs full and excited for our day tomorrow, visiting the University of British Colombia and Downtown Vancouver. Class 2-1 will also meet their host families. Tomorrow will be another exciting day!
After a long flight, class 2-1 has finally arrived in Canada. We collected our bags and joined our tour group representative on the bus. We are now beginning our afternoon of sightseeing around some of Vancouver’s most famous sights and locations. We’ve started at Granville Island, famous for its Public Market, famous for artisan foods and handmade gifts and souvenirs. Class 2-1 have enjoyed some free-time to do shopping for souvenirs and try some local foods – all using English!
本日、降雪のため、通学に危険が伴うおそれがあります。生徒のみなさんは自宅待機をお願いします。今後については、追って連絡します。 すでに自宅を出ている生徒については、登校する方が安全な場合は、安全を確保しながら登校し、帰宅した方が安全な場合は、同じく安全を確保しながら、帰宅してください。
It was a short trip by plane from Osaka to Tokyo, only one hour but we safely arrived at Narita Airport. Some people may worry about flying but thanks to JAL there were no problems! After a short stay in Narita, where we can have fun looking at the different souvenirs, we will fly to Vancouver. We asked some students what they are most excited about, they said they are excited to meet their host families and eat different and delicious foods! We will arrive in Vancouver around midday local time, and we have a busy schedule of sightseeing… so let’s get some rest on the plane!