Archive for 2024年1月10日








【国際総合科2年 海外研修旅行12】

Goodbye Vancouver! (#12)

Today, our morning starts back at school! Students were dropped off by their host families at school where they met their teachers and got ready to get on the bus to the airport. After a short 45 minute bus ride, we arrived at Vancouver International Airport at 9:30am. Getting through the security checkpoint was a bit nerve-wracking, more than at a Japanese airport. Many students experienced a stricter security check than they were used to. We took a quick break before we had to board the plane and our students were able to do a little bit of shopping and exploring. Vancouver’s airport is so interesting!

After this flight to Tokyo-Narita, students will then take another flight back to Osaka-Itami and then it’s a straight shot back to Hyogo! Our students are very tired, but excited to go home!

【国際総合科2年 海外研修旅行11】

International Exchange Activities in Canada (#11)

After lunch, groups A and B switched until local students finished school at 2:50pm.
From 3pm, our students prepared for their own presentations. Starting with a short introduction of Miki High School, our students showed local teens and teachers about different aspects of Japanese culture – origami, Japanese bingo, ayatori, kendama, paper-sumo, flat marble games, hankachi otoshi, and karate. Many people seemed interested and our students were also glad that they were able to share the things they learned while growing up!

Our day slowly comes to an end as Vancouver encounters a rare snowstorm. Though one of their teachers told them that Vancouver doesn’t usually get much snow, we still saw large, beautiful snowflakes fall all-day from morning to night.

Next stop: Back home to Japan! After one last night with their host families, students will head back to Vancouver International Airport tomorrow. Did you have fun, kids?























【国際総合科2年 海外研修旅行10】

Back to School! (#10)

Monday, January 8th, was the first day back to school for many students in North America. It was also our students’ first time attending a Canadian school!

Today, we spent the whole day at Regent Christian Academy, a small K-12 school located in suburban Surrey, BC. In the morning, the academy’s international camp coordinator led our students through a small discussion and talked about different ways to study and communicate in English. Afterwards, we went on a short tour of the campus. Each age group of students had their own part of the building!

Then, our students split into 2 groups; Group A took classes with their assigned “buddy” while Group B talked about Canada and tried different activities and games with another instructor. Classes included Arts, Math, Science, Religion, PE, and even Cooking! The new games included variations of 20-Questions, The Big Wind Blows, and other icebreaker games.

At lunch, our students ate the lunches packed for them by their host families. Many students had sandwiches, others had noodles, and a few even had leftover pizza! Is this what it means to eat like a Canadian?