平成31年1月30日(水)5限に、 2年生の看護・医療系の学校への進学希望者と就職希望者を対象に、「3年生と語る会」を行いました。進路が決定した3年生が、自己の経験をもとに、進路実現のためのアドバイスを行いました。

平成31年1月30日(水)5限に、 2年生の看護・医療系の学校への進学希望者と就職希望者を対象に、「3年生と語る会」を行いました。進路が決定した3年生が、自己の経験をもとに、進路実現のためのアドバイスを行いました。
平成31年1月8日(火) 始業式を行いました。校長先生より、緑化事業についてのお話がありました。これは、PTAのご協力を得て、取り組んでいます。東灘高校が「深江のオアシス」となり、生徒が勉学に励む、よりよい環境づくりを進めていきます。
〈1年 S.O.より〉
I enjoyed today!
First I went to “sheep world”!
There are many sheeps and horses and birds!
They are so cute! I love these animals!!
And then I ate lunch. I ate 2 scopes ice cream! One scop is orange. Another scop is chocolate! This ice is yummy! I want to eat this ice once more!
I went to the “Sky tower” in afternoon!
I went up to Sky Tower. I was able to saw beautiful scenery! It remained in my mind. I want come to “Sky tower” again!!
I want everyone to go to New Zealand!
〈1年 R.K.より〉
Today was a class in the morning and afternoon. Today ‘s teacher was very kind and quite exciting.
I played a game divided into teams. Laughter did not stop because everyone broke rules and ran around. l was surprised that the teacher in the class was eating a donut so it was free to that extent.
In lunch time I got a diploma, answered the questionnaire and got a present. So the lunch time was shortened and the hamburgers I requested were late for the store clerk to make so we took them home and took part in the afternoon lesson.
The afternoon teacher was so kind, I had him eat a hamburger in the classroom. After that we played 2 pairs of games and the last lesson was over.
It was very fun. When I got home, dinner was prepared and after eating after having played with children. We went shopping.