teachers のすべての投稿


今日は最終日です。オークランド市内を観光しました。One Tree Hillでは、マオリの歴史をほんの一部を知り、Mission Bayでは、ここに来てから大好きになったHokey Pokeyを食べて、楽しいひと時でした。


1年 H・Kより

Today was the last day we stayed in New Zealand.
First we went to the big park names as One Tree Hill.
Next we went to see sheep and beef,it was very pretty.
And we went to a Mission Bay,That was very beautiful!
Moreover we went to a shopping mall to buy a gift in the afternoon,something very good for the family and friends could be bought.
These 5 days were very short time,but we learn many things which can’t be learned in japan.









2年 W・Nより

Today,we had a last school day.
It’s a very short day but we had a great day.
Gradually,we can listening english.

After school, we went to strawberry picking.
It was very fun.

Taking advantage of this experience,I will do my best to learn English in Japan.

And I’m really thankful to my parents for letting me study abroad.


2年 I・Mより

We went to school.
Today was last day. Classes are so difficult but I can learn many things.
I went to strawberry picking after school.
It was so fun.
I shared strawberries with my host family.
I was glad that I could communicate with them.








午前 約3時間半の英語研修

午後  ”Rocket Ropes”でのレクリエーション

2年 K・Mより
Today’s language school the 2rd day.
Little by little, we finally opened up and made friends of overseas.
This afternoon went to athletic called “Rocket Ropes”.
We enjoyed the real athletic.
We had a good time.👍🏻

1年 H・Aより
I went to “Rocket Ropes” today.
I had a great time.
And I was very happy because I can talk with friends of language school.
Tomorrow will be a last day of language school.
I’ll do my best!




さて、本日より、オークランド・スカイタワー近くにあるNZLC(NEW ZEALAND LANGUAGE SCHOOL)での研修が始まりました。日本で受けた英語力別にクラス分けされ、基本から学びます。午後はその語学学校に通う多くの方々と、動物園に行きました。そこでも、それぞれコミュニケーション能力を磨いたことでしょう。


1年 H・Aより
