teachers のすべての投稿

ニュージーランド海外研修 四日目



〈1年  M.E.より〉

Happy merry Christmas!!!!!

Today,we went to see the waterfall.
It was beautiful and magical.
After that,we went to the beach.
It’s very clean water but it was cold.
After a little play on the beach, I took 30 minutes to climb barefoot the mountain.
Then I felt the danger of my life.
I was so scared,but I got back home safely with my host family and relatives.
Today was a fulfilling day‼︎

ニュージーランド海外研修 三日目


〈1年  S.N.より〉

I was nervous for the first school today, but I enjoyed the kindness of everyone.It was very difficult to talk to people from other countries.I couldn’t speak to my classmates today, so I would like to try it again.After that I went to a Christmas party in the afternoon with my family.It was a good experience.

ニュージーランド海外研修 二日目


〈2年  Y.N.より〉

Today, we met host family.
We got sandwiches and cakes after finished explanation of room.
It was very delicious.
We gave my host family Japanese presents.
She was very glad.
After, we talked her about her and Japan, while watching TV.
We don’t understand a little.
But, we can talked.
Dinner, we ate chicken, fish, potato and vegetables with her and her son’s family.
We ate desserts too.
It was very delicious.
We was nervous and excited.
It was a very happy day!


ニュージーランド海外研修 1日目




3年生対象 SMBCファイナンス講演会

