平成28年6月29日 RRE 外国人留学生交流会


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The international student in my group was Francini Elisa from Italy. At first, I was so nervous that my eyes couldn’t meet hers. However, I come to smile little by little while I talked with the exchange student of our team. I think my English is not so good. Especially, I have poor vocabulary. So, I couldn’t say something I thought in my heart. And I noticed the importance of learning English words steadily. However, I think today was very good!! I learned that to communicate is not only difficult but also interesting. And I think it’s important to try to tell him or her. It’s maybe very difficult thing, but I’ll never give up.

In today’s RRE class, our group talked with Mr. Agyei Leeward Frimpong who is from Ghana, and we discussed female labor. He was a very frank person. So, after discussion ended, he told us about Ghana. We listened to his talk very happily. And we told him some kanji. I couldn’t announce the problem of female labor well. So, I felt my lack of English proficiency. However, I could learn many things. And I think I would like to talk with a foreigner again. So, I would like to learn English aggressively.

We had a relationship with foreign student in today’s RRE class. Our group talked with Chinese woman named Ryo Gasho. We could think about discrimination deeply. Also, we listened to the story of women’s jobs in China. I was able to ask her only two question. So, I want to talk more actively when I have another chance. And I found it is very difficult to tell thing that I want to tell in English and to pick up the words of foreigner.Through today’s class, I learned many things and found my proposition. By taking advantage of this experience, I want to study English more.

We discussed the existence of women in the future with foreign students. My group discussed with Aberor Martin from Ghana. I was able to get the difference between Ghana and Japanese women in the discussion. In Ghana, it is easy for women to have jobs because they have rights to work. Therefore, women can come back to their old jobs after taking care of their children. However, in Japan, it is difficult for women to come back to their old jobs. I thought that Japan must support more women’s rights by laws.This event was a very valuable experience.

After we finished giving a poster presentation, we were said “Please show me your manuscripts” by Mr. Ryu Ukon from China. It was regrettable that we couldn’t tell our presentation to him well. Ukon’s presentation was a little difficult for me, but he sometimes told us, “Do you understand? I’ll explain again.” So, we were able to understand his presentation. His presentation was better than ours. There were so many things we should learn. After that, we discussed women in Japan in the future. We mainly talked about each other’s presentations. We discovered many questions and problems. Finally, we told other groups about our discussion. We couldn’t tell it well. Today, I got to know my English wasn’t useful. I have to learn English more.

カテゴリー: SGH(学科1期生), 創造科学科1期生   パーマリンク
