平成28年6月28日 RRE 「ポスターセッション」


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In today’s RRE class, our group gave a presentation about women management post. We were able to make the presentation better than before. However, we have a lot of points for improvement. A presentation is given for audience, so we have to tell its contents simply. When we were asked some questions by ALT, we weren’t able to answer them quickly. I thought we had to know about contents of our presentation more. And I listened to other presentations. I learned many things by listening to them. In this way, we can get great experiences in this class. I’ll make efforts to tell various things to various people in English.

In today’s RRE class, we did a poster session. It is the first experience for us. So, it is difficult, but we enjoy speaking English and listening to other presentations. There were good and bad things in each group. We thought we must practice more and use English more. We should remember how to make a speech which was taught by Mr.Nomura the other days. This experience will be useful in the future. So, we work hard from now. Today was very very interesting!

Today’s presentation in my class was good experience for me. It was difficult for me to speak my opinion which I wanted to tell. So, it took much time to prepare for this presentation. I found some points to improve. First, our group members didn’t use gestures too much. Second, we couldn’t memorize perfect. There are a lot of points to be improved. My English pronunciation is not good, but I will do my best to convey what I want to tell. Then I want to enjoy interact with foreign students without being afraid of making mistakes.

We had a poster session in RRE class. Listening to the presentation of each group, I thought that the social state of women have not advanced. I want to be able to ask questions and answer in English more positively.

We made a presentation in our class. Our group couldn’t arrange for it well. So, we did not memorize the manuscript and stopped the presentation many times. And we couldn’t respond to questions well because we didn’t research about issue. However, we were able to find a lot of important points. For example, we should use gestures a lot and speak more slowly and simply.


カテゴリー: SGH(学科1期生), 創造科学科1期生   パーマリンク
