平成27年9月8日RRE 「グレートバリアリーフが直面する危機」


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First I surprised at the box jellyfish.I don’t know they can be 30cm wide and have tentacles that are 3m long. I afraid of the box jellyfish.Second I surprised at the dirty water makes algae grow too fast. I think I don’t use much oil for clean water.This presentation has a lot of things that I don’t know. I really learn many things.

I was surprised about problem of a Crown of Thorns starfish. I hear the starfish eat coral before, but I didn’t know it be a very big problem. If we cut starfish, they don’t die. So, we should think a method to decrease starfish. For example, we catch a lot of little ‘giant triton snail’ and grow it. When ‘giant triton snail’ become big, we back to sea it. Others, we make a rule and make a poster “Don’t catch a giant Triton Snail!!”

I’m interested in problem of the Great Barrier Reef. I’m surprised that dirty water stops sunlight and the starfish eat the reef.I have never heard the starfish don’t die by cutting. The reef is very beautiful.I hope that the reef won’t disappear from Australia.

I was surprised at problem of dirty water. We can look at the dirty water in the sea from the sky. Australian sea is beautiful but the dirty water makes it bad. I was also surprised at the size of the Stout Infant Fish. It’s very cute. I want to see it.Starfish is popular in Japan but in Australia, it’s big problem.

I saw Box Jellyfish is scary.I had thought the Great Barrier Reef is beautiful, but in fact, I saw there is a problem of oil.I want to see the wild dugongs. They’re cute. I’ve seen them in Toba aquarium. I was surprised at pictures of dead coral. I saw that they are killed by not only dirty water but also the cyclones. How small the Stout Infant Fish is.


カテゴリー: SGH(コース2期生), 未来創造コース2期生   パーマリンク
