平成31年4月22日 RRE 「世界一大きな授業」


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I was surprised to learn 750 million adults are illiterate. I know many children can’t go to school. But I didn’t think how adults is. So, I was very surprised at that fact and me who have never thinked anout adult.

I was surprised at that there are a lot of ikkiterate people all over the world. This is a very big problem, but I ‘ve never thought about it before. I think I have to know more about what is happening around the world. Then I want to consider measures to solve the problem.

I didn’t know how many children can’t go to school, so I was surprised. But I also learned there are many solutions to help children.Developing digital technology is one of them. So,  we can do something for children with developing technologies. Education can change the world. I hope every children become able to go to school in the future.


カテゴリー: SGH(学科4期生), 創造科学科4期生   パーマリンク
