Hey guys! It’s been a while, but RED is back! That’s me, Red! It’s the middle of October and we can finally start to feel the beginning of Fall! You know what always reminds me of Fall, besides chestnuts, yellow leaves, mushrooms, and other food? That’s right! Danjiri! Sunday October 13th there were so many different festivals! Lots of local areas got out their portable shrines or mikoshi as we call it in Japanese. These shrines are very heavy! They are carried by the local people all around town. Sometimes, there is a tradition of two of these mikoshi smashing into each other! This is especially true in the Izushi Danjiri Festival. There are two teams, each with a portable shrine, and they compete to see which team is stronger. It’s so exciting! Kinosaki also had beautiful shrines and some children rode inside them! Whenever I hear those taiko drums and see these mikoshi, I instantly think of Fall. I hope to see them again next year!