
Hey everyone! It’s Red here! Welcome back to your first week of normal school days! I really enjoyed the culture festival, but now we have to get back to our regular schedule.

I remember when I was in school, coming back from summer vacation was always so hard… I pretty much forgot everything I learned the previous year! You guys are different though! You worked hard to finish your summer homework, and you’re ready to fill your minds with new knowledge. I know it’s not easy to get back into the normal school schedule, but think of it like a chance! It’s your chance to do even better than the first semester. You are refreshed and have new energy! You can ask questions to your teachers, be active in class, and really grow as a student. If you do these things, you will get better scores on the big tests! We teachers are so excited to work with you and help you reach that new level! So, let’s all do our best!

Ok! See you guys in class!

I wonder if you all know which class I teach… it’s kind of a mystery for sure.