平成28年4月26日 RRE 「Now I’ll introduce local attractions.」発表


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When I heard that we couldn’t speak Japanese, I felt uneasy. But, I was able to talk with everyone in English and enjoy the class. Our English wasn’t perfect. So, we used gestures. I thought we need not only languages but also various expressions for communicating with foreign people. I also used many gestures when I made a speech. So, I was able to tell everyone about my town better and my group members said to me “Your gestures are easy to understand.” I was so glad to hear that. I thought speaking English wasn’t so easy. But, I have to learn English more and other languages in RRE classes and English classes. I’ll study English hard and want to speak English better.

Today, we had RRE class for the first time. It was difficult for me to speak only English. However, I was able to talk with the group members aggressively. The game we did at the beginning of the class was really fun. I was able to know what was written in my card soon. The presentations of our group were easy to understand, so we asked many questions and talked about each hometown in detail. RRE class gave me good experience. I think that I’ll be able to speak English in such activities. I’ll make efforts.

Today, I took the first RRE class. I could enjoy the class very much and learn English. I thought three things about the class. Firstly, I could understand my friends’ stories. And I got to know a lot of things their towns. It was so fun. Secondly, I could enjoy talking and playing a game with my friends in English. But, there were many good speakers in my class. I thought I must study more about English. Finally, I thought communications make people happy. I could talk with my classmates I have not talked with so much. Of course, I felt so happy. And my classmates looked happy too. The RRE class was a really nice class. I want to enjoy English more in the class. I’m looking forward to the next class.


カテゴリー: SGH(学科1期生), 創造科学科1期生   パーマリンク
