令和2年2月20日 RRE「外国人留学生交流会」



I spent quality time in today’s exchange. I learned many things. Not only culture and social issues of foreign countries but also the importance of courage to talk with international students. Talking with foreign people made me interesting, happy and exciting. Through talking with them, I found it is important to speak not to be afraidof some mistakes and enjoy talking with them!

I thought that I should get more vocabrary. When I talk with a student from Bangladesh, I could not talk well because I have not memorised words. I also thought that talking with people in English is very fun. But it is difficult for me to make sentences. So I would like to study harder and try to talk with many people in English.

カテゴリー: SGH(学科4期生), 創造科学科4期生   パーマリンク
