
イギリス研修5日目。朝食後、Tubeと鉄道に乗り継いで、ロンドン郊外にあるBexley Grammar School(BGS)に向かった。BGSの選択科目で日本語を選択した生徒8名(10年生~13年生)を対象に、本校生徒と交流した。プログラムは、自己紹介のあと、BGSからジェスチャー当ての「シャレードゲーム」と言葉当ての「ハングマン」、本校から「フルーツバスケット」「人間知恵の輪」「船長さんの言う通り」を行った。続いて、各国の文化やスラング、各校の様子をスライドを使って紹介し合い、BGS生徒の引率で校内見学をした。最後に、オードブルやサンドイッチを食べながらBGS生徒と交流した。異文化理解を深めただけでなく、お互いに学習する言語がどの程度通用するのかがわかったよい機会となった。

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その後、夕食を中華料理屋「Joy King Lau」でとり、トラファルガー広場を経由して、「Her Majesty’s Theatre」にて昨年と同様のミュージカル「The Phantom of the Opera」を鑑賞した。

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In Bexley Grammar School, I learned that what anime or manga the students in there like and what website they use to buy something. They like a lot of manga and anime. Even there are the anime that I don’t know. I was really surprised that they knew the anime which is little-known. And they have joined the event like comic markets in Japan as cosplayers. There anime culture is looks like Japanese one very much. They enjoy cosplay of Japanese anime characters. Also they said that they bought the costumes of them online. But they bought them in different websites we usually use. I wonder because of Brexit they use different websites other countries. In addition, some of them know anime bounding. I was also surprised. One of them was wearing the watch which was based on a Japanese anime character. He said that the watch was custom-made. He also said that items in anime bounding like the watch are very expensive. He said that the watch was 200 pounds. According to him, I found that being too expensive is a problem that anime bounding has. And l would like to solve this problem.

I went to the embassy of Japan in the UK. Also, I heard the presentation about society in the UK and Japan. The speakers were Mr. Kataoka and Mr. Nagano. The visit was a valuable experience for us. This was because we heard the current state of society in the UK and Japan from the views of government. Especially, I found two things in this presentation. I found that the UK was close to Japan. The UK and Japan are island country and virtually the same a income level and the same average wages. However, I also found the UK was different from Japan. I thought the UK was more advanced than Japan in labor system. Also, Mr. Kataoka and Mr. Nagano answered our questions. They had a wide knowledge of the various area. Therefore, they gave us many ideas from the various views. I will make use of this chance, run my study and think from the various views.

カテゴリー: SGH(学科3期生), グローバルリサーチ, 創造科学科3期生   パーマリンク
