平成31年4月15日 RRE初回授業

本校同窓会館ゆ~かり館で、創造科学科4期生の40名が春休みの課題の”Now I’llintroduce an educational feature of my old school”のスピーチ原稿を用いて班内でスピーチ発表を行った。



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I want to learn how to talk natural English in the lesson. I like English, but my English is not good. Those days, I study English only on desk. But, I can study English as speaker in RRE. I want to talk with people in English very more. Members of my group spoke English fast. So, I could not hear their speech very much. Today, I understand my English is not good, but I never give up. I decide to study English harder than in junior high school. I want to talk with foreign people around the world.

I want to be more active in RRE. So, I want to learn how to tell my feelings. And, I don’t know how to express. Endlish only in RRE class. It is so difficult. But, I hope that I can tell my feelings when I graduate high school. I can enjoy today’s lesson. Listening my classmate’s speech is so fun. When I could understand a sentence even if members use a little difficult word. I’m very happy. Also, when I speak in English, members listened with a smile. So I could speak relaxing mood.

I want to communicate with people in English. I want to be a person who work in foreign countries in the future. So, I want to talk with international students in these classes. Also, I want to learn things about special problems. I think I have to study English harder through today’s lesson. I can’t tell things which I want to tell. Also, I can’t listen their presentation well. So, I have to commit English in my daily life.


カテゴリー: SGH(学科4期生), 創造科学科4期生   パーマリンク
