
イギリス研修最終日。朝食後、貸切バスでロンドン郊外にあるBexley Grammar School(BGS)に向かった。BGSの選択科目で日本語を選択した生徒を対象に、本校生徒と交流した。本校の女子生徒は日本文化を紹介するために浴衣で訪問した。プログラムは、自己紹介のあと、BGSから絵当てゲームと現地中学生が行うシティズンシップ教育の問題、本校から「船長さんの言う通り」と新聞乗りゲーム、伝言ゲームを行った。続いて、各校の様子をスライドを使って紹介し、BGS生徒の引率で校内見学をした。最後に「Toby Carvery」にて、現地で日曜日によく食べるローストディナーを昼食としていただき、BGS生徒と交流した。異文化理解を深めただけでなく、お互いに学習する言語がどの程度通用するのかがわかったよい機会となった。


We introduced ourselves, played games, explained about each school, and so on. What I noticed is that it’s important to try to communication. Of course, English skills are necessary, but the most important thing is positiveness. I tried to talk with BGS students, and I was happy when my English made sense. In there, I spend very very good time. I could know school differences between BGS and Hyogo. It was so interesting. I could talk with  BGS students but It was little difficult. I think my English skills are low, so I decide to study English hard.

I had learned U.K.’s education system when l did pre-learning. However I could know many things about U.K’s school system by doing activities .For example, I knew that U.K’s school don’t have to clean their school and they don’t have order before classes and so on. I was surprised at such a things. Therefore I could learn the importance of knowing the difference between countries.I want to make use of this thing. So, I will do better individual research.

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カテゴリー: SGH(学科2期生), グローバルリサーチ, 創造科学科2期生   パーマリンク
