平成30年6月20日 RRE「外国人留学生との交流会」


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ハンガリー、中国、韓国、エルサルバドル、ウズベキスタン、                         マラウイ、イタリア、クロアチア


First, I was very nervous, but the foreign student was very kind. So I can talk with her casually. I could talk to her actively. I enjoyed the game. I could use easy words and gestures. I learned the importance of using them to tell something. During my speech, I could speak calmly. But I used few gestures and I think my intonation was not so interesting. So I want to practice making a speech. I found listening to a foreigner’s English is difficult. I will listen to non-Japanese English after this.

I enjoyed talking with a student from Italy. But I couldn’t have good communication. Though what I wanted to say was understood by some gestures, I was very frustrated. I felt that I had no vocabulary. I wanted to talk with her easily. But, it was good that I could ask a question for that I heard on the spot and it was a light chat. I want to speak English calmly. So I think I will try to practice to fix what I want to say in English.

I had a good time with Andrea. I was surprised at her speech. She told us that in her country, club activities aren’t as active as Japan. They do club activities only once a week. So if you want practice more, you should take other lesson out of school. I realized we are lucky student because we can do club activities without paying much money and going faraway. At first, I was little nervous. But, I could express my opinion little by little. I enjoyed playing the game. I was glad that Andrea was friendly. She listened to my speech seriously. I could get a valuable experience. I want to do it again.

I enjoyed talking about telling my old school’s features and listening to Republika Hrvatska’s school. I was surprised at there was the religion class. Republika Hrvatska is in Europe so students learn about Jesus Christ. Ms. Andrea was in journalist club. She wrote for the school newspaper about singers and stories there. I want to write it too. I want to interview some teachers and students and write a school introduction paper. I think it’s important to know foreign countries’ education, culture, and histories. Today’s class was very fun for me.

カテゴリー: SGH(学科3期生), 創造科学科3期生   パーマリンク
