平成28年12月14日 RRE 外国人留学生交流会


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We had RRE class. We discussed environmental issues with international students. This is our second time to talk with international students. My group’s international student was from Cambodia. This time, I was able to understand what she said better than the last time. By the way, in Cambodia, high school students make a lot of rubbish and the toilets are dirty. I felt difference between Cambodia and Japan. I don’t think it is good to throw away something. It will damage creatures and occur environmental issues. I think that we have to stop the cycle. I was able to enjoy, so I want to speak English much better.

We had exchange students as guests to our school and had an opportunity to talk about environmental issues in the world. A guy from Filipino was at my table. The Philippines is close to Japan, so I thought that I knew about Filipino. However, it was wrong. I was shocked at her bad infrastructure. I insist that Japan really should help them. I couldn’t speak English well, but I think that my English was improved than the last time. I was able to communicate with the exchange students smoothly than the last time. I really had fun and learned a lot today.

We discussed the environmental problems with a foreign student from Ghana. First, we told him about endangered species. I was nervous and I couldn’t speak well, but he listened to me intently. Next, he made a presentation on the Ghana’s environmental problems. I was surprised that Ghana has a lot of problems. Then, we discussed “What does Japan do for Ghana?” and told our thought to other groups. I was happy because he said to me “well done” after my announcement. After the class, I showed foreign students around our school. I was glad they looked happy. I had a wonderful experience!

We had an exchange party with international students. When I gave a presentation, I was able to respond flexibly while checking the expression of the other person. However, at the time of Q&A, I could not answer well because of lack of knowledge about environmental problems. In contrast, the presentation of international student was very concise and easy to understand. It was very helpful.

We discussed environmental problems with the international student who came from Germany. We made a presentation about acid rain. She asked us, “Why did you choose this theme?”, “What is the first action you can do?” and etc. It was difficult for us to answer the questions. However, we could manage to answer all the questions. The international student talked about environmental pollution. Global warming is progressed by using petroleum and coal. A countermeasure is to use renewable energy. Japan also should use renewable energy. We were able to learn three things by the interaction with the international student. To try to tell in English, think about environmental problems and enjoy speaking. We could spend a better time than the last time.

In the class, we talked with Pamela, a study abroad student from Mexico, about an environmental problem. Our team researched on marine pollution. Pamela told the environmental problems of Mexico to us. For example, in Mexico, increase of garbage, air pollution and water shortage have become serious problems. Mexico City, the capital of Mexico is becoming a big city. As it becomes a big city, more and more garbage are being taken out. Also, there is more agriculture water than home water, Mexican have difficulty in getting enough water. To solve these problems, Japanese should tell the techniques of the water pipe and waste separation to local people. I don’t think these problems can be solved easily. We need to think for a long time. It’s hard, but very important for our future.

カテゴリー: SGH(学科1期生), 創造科学科1期生   パーマリンク
