平成28年5月10日 RRE 講義「グローバル社会における英語スピーチの力」

本校同窓会館ゆ~かり館において、創造科学科1期生(1年)対象に、神戸市外国語大学英米学科教授 野村和宏氏をお招きし、英語スピーチについて英語で講義をしていただき、スピーチと会話の違いやスピーチをするうえでの心構え、英語の個人練習法などについての理解を深めることができました。

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Today, we listened to a lecture by professor Nomura. He taught us how to speak English well. There are four typical styles of speech presentation. Flexibility, confidence and presence are necessary for a good speech. But, if you speak from notes, you won’t be able to make eye contacts with listeners. If you memorize a manuscript completely, your speech will have no flexibility and boredom .We have to make an interesting speech. Therefore, we must use different ways of speaking properly. For example, we can care about posture, gesture and speed. Mind is also necessary to give a speech. We had a chance to make a speech in English. By taking advantage of today’s lecture, I will try to tell others my idea in English.

In today’s RRE class, we had a chance to hear a speech in English. The content of speech was “Make a good speech in English “. I became interested in styles of speech presentation. Each style has merits and demerits. For example, “Memorized” style enables you to make eye contacts. But, if you forget manuscripts, what will you do? I thought the most important thing in the speech is how one’s thought is conveyed. So, when I make a speech next time, I want to think about it.

Today, we received a lecture about power of giving a speech in English by Mr. Nomura. In the middle of a lecture, we tried to give a speech in each group. I was nervous and couldn’t come up with the words. Speech is very difficult, but very profound. I wanted to improve my speech skill. Fortunately, I have a lot of opportunities to practice speech. I want to give a speech in English like Mr. Nomura. I decided to make an effort.



カテゴリー: SGH(学科1期生), 創造科学科1期生   パーマリンク
