イギリス6日目、Tubeで移動し、MidCity PlaceビルにあるJETROロンドンに向かった。JETROロンドンでは、藤井寛次長と鵜澤聡氏からイギリスの政治経済動向について講義をしていただいた。また、「BREXIT」にともなう日英関係や日本企業への影響についてもお話をしていただいた。たくさんのデータを踏まえた説明や、イギリスの日本食事情など生徒にわかりやすい内容を交え、イギリスについての理解を深めた。生徒からはBREXITにともなうサプライチェーンの影響や労働運動の日英の違い、環境規制や取り組みについて質問した。なお、今回のフィールドワークには、自治体国際化協会(CLAIR)ロンドンの宇野真由美氏にアテンドを依頼した。
その後、ホテル近くにあるMOL (Europe Africa) Ltd.(商船三井の現地法人)を訪問した。人事部長の杉山順一郎氏とドライバルク部門の秋山咲智子氏から外航海運業の特徴や会社紹介、現代の海運業が抱える課題について講義を受けた。LNG船で隻数世界一を誇るMOLは、油輸送や自動車輸送など6部門で事業展開している。今後世界人口の増加に伴い海運業界が成長産業である一方、様々な変動要因に直面したり、環境規制の対応に迫られるなどの課題を抱えていることを説明していただいた。また、模型や展示を使って船や海運業の歴史についても説明していただいた。
夕食はフランス料理屋「Cafe Rouge」でムール貝など海の幸を食べた。いよいよ明日はイギリス研修最終日となる。
Purpose: To know about Japanese companies in London and those who work in the companies, and the difference of concern with environmental issues between Japanese companies and the UK companies.
Main Findings: I learned many things from the lecture. First, Japanese companies in the UK don’t concentrate in London. Second, Brexit doesn’t make the number of investment in the UK. Third, the UK is good at research and development,ICT, medicines, food service. Fourth, the good points Japanese companies have are Japan brand, high performance, efficiency, interesting venture companies, and the quality of service. Fifth, the concern with environmental issues in the UK is much higher than that in Japan. In addition, we got very valuable data about the UK and Brexit and Japanese companies.
Impressions : I was very happy to ask what is the good points of Japanese companies. I want to make Japanese companies more global companies with this in mind. And I was surprised at the demonstrations on the environmental issues in the UK. And I thought regulating car in someareas is very good and Japan should do same one. It was amazing to see the office in the UK and hear about Japanese companies. This experience was very valuable for my future.
We went to JETRO London. We received explanations about economics of the UK and “Brexit”. They were very excited for me. My study is about problems of foreign workers. I heard that The UK residents don’t have good feelings to foreign workers. Especially, they don’t like workers of Eastern Europe. Because they said that they are robbed by them. But I knew that actually they were not robbed jobs by them. I was surprised by the fact. And I think that it is simmer to Japan. Also some Japanese people said that foreign workers will rob our jobs in the future. I thought a little. But my thoughts changed through this experience. It is very good for me. I want to use these experiences to grow.
We visited Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd(MOL). We listened to Mr.Sugiyama and Ms.Akiyama. I was excited because I have studied supply chain management. I would focus on distribution in the international supply chain which is built across borders, so I was very glad to be able to listen to a lot of things about supply chain and distribution. For example, introduction of MOL, explaination of shipping industry and so on. Also, Mr.Sugiyama and Ms.Akiyama sufficiently answer our questions on our each study. I asked Mr.Sugiyama the question about the form of supply chain in the EU. My question puzzled him but he accurately answered my question. His answer was helpful information for my study. We would like to say many words of thanks.