平成29年12月13日 RRE「外国人留学生との交流会」


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We met some exchange students today.Today’s purpose is to make a presentation about environment issues each other.I think our group could make a presentation better than before we make it in class.The countries which exchange students live in have some environmental issues different from Japan.I was surprised to hear it.Environment issues cannot be solved by one country.So, I think other countries should cooperate with each other to solve it.It was good that valuable experience was made.

Today, our group presented about ” the endangered species ” .I think that our presentation is improved from previous rehearsal.However draft of presentation is a little short. Also we can make better presentation.I think they are Point to reflect. Our group’s International student, Sumika, prevented about environmental issues in Taipei, Taiwan. I could know about it and find interesting point. It is interesting for me to use “UCYCLE” to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in Taipei. “UCYCLE” is electric cycles which can lent ¥15/30m. I think this efforts is very good!

Today, we talked with foreign students about environmental problems by activity of RRE.Our group talked with a woman from Korea. She talked about air pollution. We know that influences of yellow sand was big in Korea. We had researched about ground pollution, so we talked about it by using Power Point. It was difficult to talk while watching the eyes of partner.After both speeches, we talked about solution of them in English. It was hard, but it was interesting. It was good to think about the solution for oneself.

Today, we made a presentation for the international student. I’ve prepared for this class, but it was so difficult to answer the question she had. I didn’t know the meaning of the word she said and how to answer. So I thought to learn many words and remember them are very important. I want to remember many words as possible then. In the international student’s presentation, she told me about the water pollution and the ceramic garbage. I had never heard about the ceramic garbage. So it was hard to suggest the solution. I found there were many problems I don’t know in the world. I want to know about them more. I had a great time with her. Thank you.

We talked about the red tide with exchange with students from overseas.We could talk to get relaxed communicate with student from overseas better than when presented in class.Presentation of student from overseas is difficult but we listened seriously and positively ask questions.In addition, we could present my opinions about the question, ‘The damage to the environment is an inevitable result when a country tends improve the standard of living. To what extent do you agree or disagree.’It is difficult to tell in English how I think.However I felt it is important to talk to you in English without being transmitted.I want to present my opinions to communicate with words of my own in future activities of RRE.

カテゴリー: SGH(コース2期生), 創造科学科2期生   パーマリンク
