Date: Monday, October 31st, 2016

Place: Main Hall

Participants: 55 first year students and 55 second year students

Lecturer: Professor Kazuhiro Nomura from Kobe City University of Foreign Studies

Topic: “How to Give a Good Presentation”

131In the tenth SGH class for this year, Professor Kazuhiro Nomura talked about presentation techniques. Most of his lecture was done in English, and he gave a model of presentation himself, using many concrete examples and humor.

The students listened to him speak with enthusiasm and the students asked many questions during the question and answer time. It was a very meaningful experience for the students.

132Student Comments:

  • “The contents were concrete and very helpful.”
  • “I was happy that I could understand his English lecture in general.”
  • “I realized that it is necessary to practice quite a bit in order to make a good presentation.”


First Year Students

In the 5th and 6th periods, the students divided into their groups worked on their research progress. They actively exchanged ideas and opinions with one another.

Progress of Each Group:

  • Group A1: “We did field work around Himeji Castle.”
  • Group A2: “We investigated whether the factory and port in Himeji can be used for sightseeing.”
  • Group B1: “We studied what kinds of medicine we could put in a vending machine.”
  • Group B2: “Based on the toys we saw on the internet, we decided to come up with new ideas for educational toys.”
  • Group C1: “In order to get learn more about Euglena, we plan to mainly use experiments with oil.”
  • Group C3: “We learned more about NERICA rice cultivation from the second year students and have decided to cultivate it ourselves as well. We will think about a business plan that uses it.”
  • Group C5: “We studied what kinds of goods, such as Filipino bamboo crafts, are likely to sell in Japan.”
  • Group D: “We decided to make Princess Navi for books.”