Date: Monday, November 21st, 2016

Place: LL Room and Computer Room

Participants: 55 first year students and 52 second year students

Visiting Advisors: Mr. Ito from Nishimatsuya and Mr. Oga, Ms. Hori and Ms. Doina Huso from Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Management


First Year Students

The first year students worked on their research projects in their groups in the LL Room.

Progress of Each Group:

  • Group A1: “We considered routes for Segways in Taiyo Park”
  • Group A2: “We decided to work on a tour plan for going to factories.”
  • Group B1: “We are going to ask some questions to GLORY and the Vietnamese Government.”
  • Group B2: “Mr. Ito taught us how to develop a new product.”
  • Group C1: “We prepared for a poster session.”
  • Group C2: “We planned an AQUAPONIX experiment and prepared for our presentation.”
  • Group C3: “We considered about ways we could research NERICA rice.”
  • Group C4: “We are making a business plan for re-using edible oil waste.”
  • Group C5: “We decided to return to our original theme, education, rather than focusing on craft products from the Philippines.”
  • Group D: “We want to investigate tourists needs by interviewing tourists visiting Himeji.”






Second Year Students

The second year students worked on their research projects in their groups in the Computer Room.

Progress of Each Group:

  • Group A: “We have almost completed our Japanese paper.”
  • Group B1: “We have almost completed our papers in Japanese and English.”
  • Group B2: “We continued to work on our Japanese paper.”
  • Group C1: “We wrote our paper in Japanese and translated it into English.”
  • Group C2: “We are almost finished our Japanese paper.”
  • Group C3: “We are planning to write a paper about the compatibility of Sudan and NERICA rice.”
  • Group D1: “We worked on our powerpoint and papers.”
  • Group D2: “We started to calculate the costs for the castle attack experience. We want to complete it next time. We also searched for places we would be able to hold the castle attack.”
  • Group D3: “We worked on writing our Japanese paper. We also investigated Haccho-Ohji.”

Additional Note:

Second year Group D2’s plan “Castle Attack Experience at Himeji Castle” was selected as one of the top 100 plans out of 2,662 business plans submitted to the “Business Plan Grand Prix” contest held by the Japan Finance Corporation.