Date: Monday, November 14th, 2016

Place: LL Room and Computer Room

Participants: 55 first year students and 52 second year students


First Year Students

The first year students worked on their research projects in their groups in the LL Room.

Progress of Each Group:

  • Group A1: “We researched if it is possible to use Segaways in Taiyo Park.”
  • Group A2: “We listed different sights in Himeji that we could put in the coupon book we want to make.”
  • Group B1: “We researched about Japanese companies that have expanded into Vietnam.”
  • Group B2: “We continued to discuss ideas for educational toys.”
  • Group C1: “We discussed how to extract oil from euglena.”
  • Group C2: “We got an aquaponics test kit. We also researched about hydronic cultures.”
  • Group C3: “We decided to send questions to Manda Ferment and JICA via email.”
  • Group C4: “We researched and discussed different uses for used cooking oil.”
  • Group C5: “We researched about different products made from bamboo, but we couldn’t find any good information. We want to think more about our theme. ”
  • Group D: “We discussed the Hime-Chari program and our fieldwork in Nishinomiya.”








Second Year Students

The second year students worked on their research projects in their groups in the Computer Room.

Progress of Each Group:

  • Group A: “We divided our work and started to work on our thesis paper.”
  • Group B1: “We researched domestic transportation costs for China.”
  • Group B2: “We started to work on our English paper.”
  • Group C1: “We started working on our papers.”
  • Group C2: “We had a difference of opinion over how to best make our poster. We will discuss it more and revise our poster later.”
  • Group C3: “We started to write our paper and we finished peeling the hulls off our NERICA rice.”
  • Group D1: “We started working on our thesis paper.”
  • Group D2: “We completed the main plan for our castle attack experience. Next time we will research costs and start to work on our thesis.”
  • Group D3: “We started working on writing our thesis paper. We also did some research on Haccho-Ohji.”