Date: Monday, November 7th, 2016

Place: LL Room and Computer Room

Participants: 55 first year students and 52 second year students


First Year Students

The first year students worked on their research projects in their groups in the LL Room.

Progress of Each Group:

  • Group A1: “We shared the results of our fieldwork (survey) and discussed them. We also decided to visit Taiyo Park.”
  • Group A2: “We decided to divide our tour plans into nature and culture. From now on we will work on developing more detailed plans.”
  • Group B1: “We decided to research GLORY more deeply.”
  • Group B2: “We pooled our ideas for educational toys and discussed them.”
  • Group C1: “We made an email to send to a Euglena company.”
  • Group C2: “We got an aquaponics test kit and we worked on a plan for an experiment.”
  • Group C3: “We focused in the 2nd year group’s business plan for NERICA rice.”
  • Group C4: “We decided on a direction for our research project. We would like to make a business focused on recycling.”
  • Group C5: “We examined different characteristics of bamboo. We are going to think about how we can make use of it and what products we would like to make.”








Second Year Students

The second year students worked on their research projects in their groups in the Computer Room.

Progress of Each Group:

  • Group A: “We divided our work and started worked on our papers”
  • Group B1: “We researched more about Shimamura’s overseas expansion.”
  • Group B2: “We worked on our Power Point presentation.”
  • Group C1: “We divided our work and made some good progress.”
  • Group C2: “We reviewed comments we received and discussed them.”
  • Group C3: “We began peeling the hulls off our NERICA rice.”
  • Group D1: “We looked at previous fieldwork.”
  • Group D2: “We thought about materials we could use for the things we want to build for the castle attack experience.”
  • Group D3: “We started writing our thesis paper.”