Date: Monday, October 24th, 2016

Place: Language Lab Room and Computer Classroom

Participants: 55 first year students, 52 second year students

Visiting Advisors: Professor Katsunori Wakabayashi from Kansai Gakuin University’s School of Science and Technology, Mr. Ito from Nishimatsuya, and Mr. Hori Syunki and Mr. Huso Doina from Kyoto Uinversity’s Graduate School of Management.


121-800x600First Year students

The students divided into their groups and worked on their research projects. They were given some advice by the visiting advisors and actively suggested new ideas to each other.

Progress of Each Group:

  • Group A1: “We were given advice by graduate students from Kyoto University.”
  • Group A2: “We brainstormed about activities using nature.”
  • Group B1: “We researched city hospitals and medical organizations in Vietnam.”
  • Group B2: “We suggested some products to Nishimatsuya and were given advice by them.”
  • Group C1: “We prepared for a poster session. We want a lot of people to learn about the goodness of Euglena.”
  • Group C2: “We decided to focus on installing Aquaponics in the moat around Himeji Castle and to grow vegetables and flowers.”
  • Group C3: “We got some NERICA Rice from the second year students and are thinking about how we could research it.”
  • Group C4: “We are interested in Graphene after hearing Professor Wakabayashi speak about it.”
  • Group C5: “We thought about selling special products from the Philippines in Japan before offering educational support and focused on bamboo products.”
  • Group D: “We decided to do research about the Himechari program.”


122-800x600Second Year Students

The students continued to work on their research projects and received some advice from the visiting advisors.

Progress of Each Group:

  • Group A: “We divided into two groups and each group worked on something different.”
  • Group B1: “We gave a presentation for the visitor from Nishimatsuya and were given some advice by them. We have realized that we should give a more specific budget.”
  • Group B2: “We worked on our PowerPoint”
  • Group C1: “We made progress with our thesis and worked out the costs as a group”
  • Group C2: “We got some advice from Professor Wakabayashi. We made progress with our thesis.”
  • Group C3: “We harvested the NERICA rice we planted months ago. We will continue to research it”
  • Group D1: “We worked on our PowerPoint .We heard a story about a certain event at Bungo Takada.”
  • Group D2: “We discussed our plans for the Himeji Castle attack experience.”