Dates: Monday, August 8th to Friday, August 12th, 2016

Place: Himeji Nishi High School’s Meeting Room

Strong communication skills and confidence are essential things for global citizens to have. This year we have introduced the “Empowerment Program” in order to help the students improve in these areas. Eight students from famous universities in California visited the school and did various activities together with the students in small groups in English over the five days. In addition, the eight students stayed with host families from the school.


Main activities

Aug. 8th

  • Self-introductions
  • What is positive thinking?
    • Each student was able to talk about positive experience they have had in English


Aug. 9th

  • What is identity?
    • Each group talked about identity and what they identify as
    • The group leaders talked about their own identities
  • Green Project
    • The students spent one hour walking around the school with their group leader and made a list of ways they could make the school more environmentally friendly. Then each group made a poster and presentation about their findings.
    • Poster Presentation Topics
      • Group 1: Solar panels, separate garbage, green curtains
      • Group 2: Green glass on the ceiling, collecting rain water, air
      • tunnels
      • Group 3: Green curtains, print on both sides of papers, glass organic vegetables
      • ceiling,
      • Group 4: Reduce trash thrown away, use our own cups, use ipads
      • instead of paper
      • Group 5: Green curtains
      • Group 6: Solar panel windows, green curtains
      • Group 7: Changing lights to LEDs, recycle more, plant more trees
      • Group 8: Composting, solar panels, collecting rain water, green
      • curtains


Aug. 10th

  • Leadership discussion
    • The students made short plays in English about how to be a good or bad leader
  • Unique points about Japan
    • The students made short plays in English about how they can make senior citizens happy
    • Short English Play Topics
      • Group 1: Happy old people
      • Group 2: Volunteer services
      • Group 3: Services
      • Group 4: Skills exchange club
      • Group 5: Skype
      • Group 6: Super volunteer
      • Group 7: Skype
      • Group 8: A grandchild


Aug. 11th

  • Discussion
    • The university entrance exams
    • How to choose a university
    • The education system (negatives and posatives)
    • The ideal university
  • Presentation
    • What do you think of Ryan’s Well? Is he a positive thinker? Is he a strong leader?
    • The students chose a school, community or global problem and made an action plan to solve it. They presented their plans in a poster session.

Aug. 12th

  • Last presentations (by each student)
    • My dreams and goals
    • The reasons why I participated in this program
    • What I learned from this program and how I have changed
  • Closing ceremony
  • Final words from the leader of the group
