k6We have entered the last day of SGH training at Kyoto University. Today the students presented the results of their research so far in front of many people, including Professor Kobayashi who assisted us at Kyoto University in the morning. The titles for each group’s presentation are listed below:

k6bGroup A:   Segways will Make People Smile Happily in Himeji

Group A2: The Project to Increase the Number of Tourists in Himeji

Group B1: Aim to the World Glory!

Group B2: Suggesting Private Brand Products to Nishimatsuya

Group C1: Using Euglena

Group C2: Agricultural Support Using Aquaponics

Group C3: Agricultural Support for Myanmar

Group C4: Sustainable Cogeneration System Using Natural Gas and Fuel Cells

Group C5: Educational Support for the Philippines

Group D:   Tourist Information Website Project for Himeji City


k6cComments from Professor Kobayashi:

“You talk very big, but you should think more about the concrete shape of your plans. You need to carefully study about your competitors too. Technology is assessed by the customer. I want you to discuss what I have pointed out to your before you forget.”


We also experienced zazen meditation at Kenninji temple in the afternoon. We enjoyed the valuable experience of meditating in a large temple in silence. This ends our 2016 Kyoto University Training Study Trip.
