Date: Wednesday, July 13th, 2016

Place: Language Lab Room and Computer Classroom

Participants: 55 first year students and 52 second year students


First Year Students

k81First the students got some information about the Kyoto University Study Trip which start on August 1st. Then the students searched for information on the Internet to use for their research projects. They actively worked on their projects, pooling their opinions. Here are the topics for each group:

Group A1: Sightseeing tours in Himeji City

Group A2: Overnight Tour of Himeji City

Group B1: Aiming for the world GLORY

Group B2: Suggesting private brand products to Nishimatsuya

Group C1: Biofuel made from Euglena

Group C2: Food shortage measures in developing countries

Group C3: Food aid in South-East Asia

Group C4: Methane Hydrate

Group C5: Supporting education using ICT in a developing country

Group D:   A model tour of Himeji


Second Year Students

The second students worked on their research projects in their groups. Group C3 went out to check the growth of their experimental cultivation, NERICA rice.






Progress of Each Group:

  • Groups A, B1 and D3: Made an English poster, and so on for the upcoming presentations
  • Group B2: Collected actual data for the purpose improving cafeteria systems at universities and so on
  • Group C1: Examined the infrastructure situation, the electricity demand, and so on in Nepal
  • Group C2: Searched about how methane is transported.
  • Group C3: Checked on the growth of the NERICA rice, wrote an observation record, and made a schedule table for the watering of the rice
  • Group D1: Gained the contact details for various artist groups
