Date: Monday, June 20th, 2014

Place: Main Hall and Computer Classroom

Participants: 55 first year students and 2 second year students

Lecturer: Uchihashi Yasuo, Merchandiser for Nishimatsuya Co. Ltd.

Topic: “The Problems that Arise When Developing a Private Brand”


First Grade Students

ni1Today we invited Mr. Yasuo Uchihashi of Nishimatsuya, a company which is headquartered in Himeji City. Nishimatsuya boasts the top market share in Japan in selling maternity and infant clothing and toys Mr. Yasuo explained about how the company must promote globalization and about the company’s situation and activities in a clear and descriptive manner. Students learned that factory inspections and managers ideas are indispensable ni2when creating private goods (quality products that will satisfy customers at a cheaper price) and products that can be trusted and that it is necessary to work with overseas manufacturers if you want to do these things. The students asked many questions about product development, safety measures and overseas expansion.

Student Comments:

  • “I think that the process of “back calculation” or "thinking about the path to success after deciding on a goal" can be used in various situations.”
  • “I was able to learn the process of product development in detail. When he talked about negotiating with foreign manufacturers, I was able to reconfirm the importance of communication.”
  • “It was interesting to learn how you can sell things at a lower price.”


Second Year Students

ni3The second grade students worked on their research projects in their groups in the Computer Room. After confirming the schedule for the upcoming presentations, students actively exchanged ideas and opinions and continued to make progress with their research.