2nd SGH class

Location: Main Hall

Lecture Topic: “Business Plan Draft Support Class”

Participants: 52 2nd year students and 55 1st year students

Lecturer: Mr. Shinya Aoki, Head of the Nihonseisakukinyukoko Foundation’s Support Center in Kobe

ao1In this class, students learned about how to draft a business plan draft that they could submit to the “Business Plan Grand Prix” from Mr. Shinya Aoki. The lecture started from what business is. Then it advanced to how to think of business ideas and plans for them. The lecture included many concrete examples. According to Mr. Aoki, business hints exist all around us and even simple ideas can succeed. The students listened to ao2Mr. Aoki’s lecture with interest. They were able to learn many things and asked many questions.

Student Comments

2nd Year Students

  • “We have actually made business plans, so were able to understand his lecture better than last year.”
  • “We learned about how to approach the needs of customers.”

1st Year Students

  • “He asked many questions to the audience, so I was able to listen to the lecture with interest.”
  • “I realized that it is important to make a business plan carefully.”
  • “I realized that interviews and questionnaires can be important.”
  • “I realized that we can start a business from a familiar place unexpectedly. I thought ’I can do it. I want to do it!’”
  • “I was able to get some information will be useful when I start working.”
  • “I realized that it important to think about solutions for even simple inconveniences and problems.”