1st class (SGH schedule announcement and senior and junior students met one another)

Monday, April 18, 2016

Information classroom: 2nd year students (52 participants)

Main Hall: 1st year students (55 participants)

1aThe 2016 Super Global High School program has begun. Both the first year and second year students started their activities. First, in the main hall, the 3rd year students gave a lecture to the 1st year students about what they had done and the challenges they had faced. Then the Planning and Promotions Dept. talked about the purpose and activities of the SGH program, as well as about the schedule for this year. After that, the 1st year students watched a video by an American high school student, Jack Andraka’s, and were told to be global leaders who ask many questions, and have the ability to give great presentations that attract large audiences like him in the future. The students listened to the lecture seriously with faces full of enthusiasm.

1bAt the same time, the 2nd year students gathered in the information classroom, and each group continued to work on their research projects. After they finished in the main hall, the 1st year students visited them to see what they were working on.

(Comments from 1st Year Students)

  • “The 3rd graders’ presentation made the main points easy to understand.”
  • “We heard that there was a research project which ended in failure. I realized that patience is important when working on a research project.”
  • “I became interested in doing a research project because all of the 2nd and 3rd year groups have chosen interesting and varied topics.”1c