105th SGH Mail – Liberal Arts Project

Visiting Toyama Prefecture’s Takaoka High School

December 16th 2015


tk1 tk2 tk3 tk4We went to Toyama Prefecture’s Takaoka High School to listen to presentations by second grade students of the research they have done. The schools, Toyama High School and Toyomachuubu High School also have research departments which comprise of the science and mathematics course and the humanities and social studies course. These school are expected by local people to be the school which will advance Toyama’s education.

Takaoka High School was designated as a SGH school. It was the first time for Toyama Prefecture. The main research subject of the school is “Kitokito! Global Toyama – researching their hometown of Toyama and spreading information about Toyama around the world”. They are doing activities not only with the local area but they also interact with the UN and go to America on a research trip.

On the day that we went, a conference for our students was held. Second grade students in their SGH program made presentations as practice for the conference with the three schools that was to be held one week later. It was the fruit of their year-long efforts. The students were divided into groups and explained their research to the other second grade students with posters around the school. The presenters explained their research well and the other students asked a lot of questions. All of the students did a good job.

They didn’t do their presentations with PowerPoint but they will do even better after another week of practice. It was a good conference. Thank you to all the students at Takaoka High School.