104th SGH Mail – Liberal Arts Project

Exchange Activities with Rossmoyne High School

December 15th – December 18th 2015

Both first and second year classes conducted activities with the 15 Rossmoyne High School students


ros1 ros2 ros3 ros4Fifteen students of Rossmoyne High School in Western Australia visited our school for four days. They took part in lessons such as kendo and calligraphy. They enjoyed many different cultural exchanges in English and Japanese. During their time in Japan they visited Kyoto, Osaka and Hiroshima, among other place. On their last day in Japan they enjoyed one last dinner with their host family.


They seemed to be satisfied with life in Japan. Rossmoyne High School is an academic public high school in Western Australia and it has students from many nations and may cultures. They have various backgrounds. For example, one was born in the Maldives and grew up in Canada, and now goes to school in Perth, Australia. Another has a Japanese father and an Australian mother, who emigrated from Asia. It was an exciting week for us. Next summer, Nishiko students are going to visit Rossmoyne High School. It is an irreplaceable international exchange for both schools.