102nd SGH Mail – Liberal Arts Project

Lecture from Professor Nishino

December 15th 2015

red1  Activity was held in the LL room

Lecturer: Professor Tomotoshi Nishino from Kobe University’s Graduate Research Department

As an activity of SGH (global education), we asked Prof. Nishino from Kobe University to give us a lecture about gaining broader knowledge and a more international vision by becoming a person who aims higher.

We were surprised at his red clothes, however Prof. Nishino told us that to be remarkable is very important to let more people know about his research abroad. His lecture was very charismatic. For instance, he combined dance with physics. All students were fascinated by the lecture.

The details of his lecture were: First, modes of movement in physics. Second, simulations of energy transfer. Third, the history of physics. In the first and second part we could learn ways to think about physics and its foundations through various activities. In the third part, he taught us the history of science in Europe with famous scientists and their achievements.

Then, he talked to us about his experiences abroad and gave us advice in terms of learning English. Students actively asked questions and spent a fulfilling time.


Some student’s impressions:

  • I was impressed in his depth of thinking about simple motion like a pendulum.
  • I enjoyed actively learning. I was surprised to learn about physics revitalizing at various stages.
  • It was fresh for me to learn other languages to promote better understanding.
  • I was surprised at his liveliness and I think liveliness is important in a global society.
  • I understood that it is good for presenters to speak while moving your body actively.

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