Dylan先生の講義              Unfortunately, we did our activities today in the rain. We met at 7:30 and then took the train to Harvard Station. First, we listened to a lecture by Professor Dylan Kenji Wainwright at Harvard’s Natural History Museum. Professor Dylan did his doctorate in organisms and evolutionary biology at Harvard and studied fish biomechanics. Today he talked about sticky fish and how fish eat clearly and thoroughly, using specimen models made with a 3D 2: ハーバード大学自然史博物館見学 printer, movies and other media. After the lecture, there were many questions from students. He answered all questions so thoroughly and humorously that our understanding deepened a lot. After that we looked around the building.

We were then divided into two 3: 昼食時に大学生と交流groups and had lunch with some Ivy League students, most of whom were from Harvard University. There was one university student for every 3-6 students and we were all able to interact with them. Some students asked questions they had prepared in advance, while other enjoyed freely talking with the university students. The university students were from various countries so it was a good chance for us to experience a cross-cultural 4: ハーバード大学キャンパスツアー exchange. The interaction was very satisfying for the students. Some students got advice like “Trying is important”, some gained more confidence in their ability to use English, and some got the chance to look at Japanese culture from an objective point of view.

After lunch, we went to Harvard University and Bryan, a student there, showed us around the campus. We listened to a story about the main gate and the statue 5: レストランで夕食of John Harvard and took a tour of the dormitories, including Franklin D. Roosevelt’s room, as well as around Harvard’s quad. Through Bryan’s special campus tour we learned about the historical background of Harvard University and came to admire it even more. We also enjoyed shopping at The Coop.

After eating dinner at a restaurant, we went back to the hotel and reflected on the day. The trip leaders praised the students for having participated actively in all the activities. We felt a sense of fulfillment and achievement with regards to the day’s activities. We feel our listening abilities are improving. We want to improve our speaking abilities too and want to continue to participate actively for the last three days of the trip.