When: Thursday February 18, 2016

Where: Main Hall

Participants: 40 first year students

kj1Speaker: Professor Jun Kukita (Kwansei Gakuin University Professor, Kobe University Graduate School part-time lecturer, UN forum co-representative)Topic: How UNICEF and the United Nations Solve Problems

He introduced himself and talked about what he thought when he was a high school student and what it was like to be a student preparing to re-take initially failed university entrance examinations.

In high school he tried to establish an identity.      “Where I am form?” “What is the relationship between the universe and me?”      Earth’s biological history of about 36 billion years → Transmission of genes, Self-preservation,Preservation of the species  ⇒“I want to live in order to connect my growth and happiness while also helping to sustain and improve global society ”    ⇒He made a life plan covering 1955 to 2055.   In order to fulfill his goal he needed...

  1. To maximize his abilities and acquire skills that would allow him to change the world
  2. To choose a good career

A trading company employee > Journalist > Researcher > Diplomat > United Nations staffEnglish + Master's degree + 2 years job experience + Multi-language experience ⇒ Passed the examination for Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs ⇒ United Nations As a United Nations staff member

  1. Maldives 1986~1988
  2. Tokyo 1988~1989 Cooperated with Japanese businesses and UNICEF
  3. Namibia 1989~1992 He saw discrimination in the Republic of South Africa
  4. Tokyo 1992~1998 Cooperated with Japanese businesses and UNICEF and talked with Aung San Suu Kyi
  5. Bangladesh 1998~2002 Provided education to street children
  6. New York 2002~2007 Worked in the funding department and became a senior advisor, provided emergency assistance after the Indian Ocean tsunami, and made contact with anti-government forces in Sri Lanka

Programs by UNICEF

  1. Comprehensive approach for children
  2. Life cycle approach
  3. Program innovations dealing with societal changes and having a sustainable impact

UNICEF's Strategy 1. Advocacy   2. Communication   3. Partnership

kj2Students listened carefully to his stories about his experiences. There were many questions asked after the lecture. They seemed to have gained a lot of ideas for their projects and their life styles.