January 19th 2016

kim1Today, Mr. Tatsuya Kimura from Nada High School came to our school and lectured the freshman about how to study English. He is famous for working on the textbooks Yumetan and Yumebun.

He talked about his high school days and the goal of studying. He taught us about the need to make English easy to understand. For example, he told us a story about a Japanese man’s broken English in kim2Starbucks, and the fact that we may work in offices with many foreigners in the future, especially if we major in science.

In the past, we had to learn the meanings and spellings of English words, but Mr. Kimura said it is necessary to learn how to pronounce them too. He also said it is important to be aware of the four types of English: reading, speaking, listening, and writing.

He told us three things about studying English:

  1. Be careful with your pronunciation
  2. Write down words you don’t understand to study later
  3. Repeat words many times to learn them

He said that when you study with Yumetan, you should look over 100 words at once and then repeat them. He introduced an effective way of training yourself with Yumetan: divide all the words into ten parts and try to recall them without being distracted.

We listened to his lecture with eagerness. We were stimulated and became more motivated to study English.