01This competition was held by a business class. The competition collects original business ideas from high school students.

Thirteen groups passed a preliminary examination and gave their final presentations in front of an audience of 200 people. Much praise and advice was given by the judges. One group from our school made a presentation and got award for excellent work.

(Student Comments)

“Though we didn’t have a lot time to practice and this was our 1st time doing our presentation in front of outsiders, we were able to present well.”

“Seeing other schools’ presentations was very helpful for us. For example, we were able to see their gestures, listen to the tone of their voice, and see their PowerPoint presentations.

“I was overwhelmed by the presentation given by the Hyogo Agricultural High School students. I thought that their preparation and presentation was particularly great.”

“I was glad because we were able to see Atsugiri Jason (a Japanese comedian). I wanted to hear his interpretation of our plan, the “Mother’s Mother Plan”

“We are happy because we were able to an award for our excellent work. We want to give an even better presentation at the SGH Research and Speech Presentation Exhibition.”02